SandyBrownIn a recent California Lutheran University School of Management fireside chat, former financial services executive Sandy Brown discussed her life and career and offered advice for success. Ms. Brown grew up in a small town in Indiana, faced down sexual harassment as a teenager, and learned competitive strategy while playing tennis. Her executive successes included creating diverse work units open to innovation which were popular with the internal workforce. Ms. Brown’s advice to future managers for achieving success and personal goals is threefold. First, network strategically by participating in three professional associations and one nonprofit organization. Second, don’t bad-mouth anyone. Third, if at first you don’t succeed, stop whining and move on. Having this encounter with Sandy Brown reminded the author to be intentional and proactive to achieve an unmet personal goal of serving on a board of directors.

Please read the entire article here.

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Chia-Li Chien

Assistant Professor and Director of Financial Planning Program at California Lutheran University School of Management
Chia-Li Chien, Ph.D., CFP®, PMP, is a Succession Strategist of Value Growth Institute, dedicated to helping private business owners increase the equity value of their firms. Dr. Chien is also Assistant Professor and Director of the Financial Planning Program at California Lutheran University. She is the award-winning author of the books "Show Me the Money" and "Work Toward Reward." Dr. Chien can be reached at

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