Presentations by lab members
*Student co-author
2024 Stone, A.I. Behavioral ecology of Collins’s squirrel monkeys (Saimiri collinsi): Insights from long-term field studies in Amazonia, Pará Brazil. Latin American Primate Society Congress. Pereira, Colombia.
2024 Miller, N.M.* and Stone, A.I. The role of female choice in the seasonal fattening of male squirrel monkeys (Saimiri collinsi). West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference. Santa Clara, CA.
2024 Carrell, J.*, Kinsley, J.* and Stone, A.I. The male fattening phenomenon in squirrel monkeys and its relationship to male-male competition. West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference. Santa Clara, CA. Winner of best poster in the Ecology category.
2023 Stone, A.I. and Castro, P.H.G. Capture of wild squirrel monkeys in Brazil using vegetation islands and netting. International Primatological Society Congress. Kuching, Malaysia.
2020 Meuter, C*. and Stone, A.I. Females rule, males drool: Patterns of intersexual dominance in squirrel monkeys in Amazonian Brazil. Southern California Animal Behavior Conference. San Diego, CA.
2020 Aghababian, S.C*. and Stone, A.I. Is play sexually dimorphic in the polygamous squirrel monkey? Southern California Animal Behavior Conference. San Diego, CA.
2019 Jasper, J.M.*, Delacth, N.A.*, Aghababian, S.C.*, Brown, C.E. and Stone, A.I. Why do squirrel monkeys urine wash? A field study in Amazonian Brazil. American Society of Primatologists, Madison WI. View abstract here.
2018 Jasper, J.M. and Stone, A.I. Why do squirrel monkeys urine wash? Southern California Animal Behavior Conference. Los Angeles, CA
2018 Straw, S.L. and Stone, A. I. Monkeys with an Oedipus complex? A study of juvenile squirrel monkey aggression toward adult males during the mating season. Southern California Animal Behavior Conference. Los Angeles, CA
2017 Stone, A.I., Araujo, M*. and Queiroz, H.L. A comparison of terrestrial activity in two species of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri collinsi and Saimiri cassiquiarensis) living in distinct Amazonian ecosystems. American Society of Primatologists, Washington DC.
2015 Ruivo, L.V.P.* and Stone, A. I. Optimization of reproductive seasonality in wild female squirrel monkeys, Saimiri collinsi. Sociedade Brasileira de Primatologia, Manaus, Brazil.
2015 Gomes, D.R. *, Stone, A.I., Sampaio, I. and Araripe, J. Preliminary study of genetic diversity in a population of wild squirrel monkeys, Saimiri collinsi. Sociedade Brasileira de Primatologia, Manaus, Brazil.
2015 Stone, A.I. and Castro, P.H.G. A novel method for capturing and monitoring a small Neotropical primate, the squirrel monkey (Saimiri collinsi). Midwest Primate Interest Group. Madison, Wisconsin.
2013 Ruivo, L.V.P.* and Stone, A.I. Social behavior of infant squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) during the mating season, in Pará, Brazil. Associação Brasileira de Veterinários de Animais Selvagens, Salvador, Brazil.