Lent is a season of the Christian Church.
Often during Lent, Christians take up a spiritual practice to honor the 40-day period between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. One spiritual practice is engaging with a daily sacred reading called a “devotion.” We invite students, faculty, staff, friends, PLTS Advisory Board members, Convocators and Regents connected to Cal Lutheran and PLTS to share a devotion with our community. During Lent we send out a daily devotion and prayer via email. These devotions are Lutheran/Christian. We know that not everybody that is connected to Cal Lutheran is Christian. We honor who you are and what your faith tradition may be. It is our hope that these devotions might be a tool for spiritual reflection. To sign up to receive the Lenten devotions, go to: Lenten Devotions Email Sign Up List
“Loose Ends” is the theme that was chosen for this academic year as many of us are struggling with change.
It is the beginning of the third year of this time of pandemic – a long journey which may have left us feeling disoriented from time to time as we have received word of new variants and pivoted between ways of being together and of being isolated on this campus and elsewhere.
Where does God meet us, and how do we meet each other, on such journeys?
As we journey through Lent may we remember the presence that Jesus brought to all he knew, the love that brought Jesus to the cross, and the power in which He rose from the dead.