- Josyua Gatison ’22
ASCLU President
Transcription of Video Below:
My name is Josyua Gatison. I’m a junior here at CLU, a psychology major with a German minor and I am currently ASCLU-G President.
I want to start off with a scripture from Romans 12:12. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer
As we take in life’s challenges and push ourselves to embrace growth, one thing that I’ve found to be extremely important is the ability to reflect and think about our faith. During this time of reflection and growth, it’s important that we are able to find community around us. I know I am very lucky to have my family and friends to support me along the way, and through their support, I’m able to manifest my own dreams and goals whilst connecting with my faith and strengthening my bond with the lord.
One thing I always take joy in is the work that I’m able to complete. As time goes on, your actions will reflect those ambitions you held so dear. My experience as a community service intern was a period in my life where I learned how much one person can really impact another’s life. In that job, I helped plan events that would give students the chance to seek out these opportunities and give back to an ever-growing community. However, I would say one of the most rewarding things was the impact that this work had on me, and how I was able to become that much closer with my family, friends, and faith because of it.
When trying to understand one’s own presence, you can always look to God to assist you in your times of need. Be willing to accept the light, and also be willing to share that with those around you lifting them up as well. In this time of Lent, remember that you will always have a community with those around you, and by recognizing and reflecting on your own privilege, you too will sustain that community, and you will remain close with the lord.
I want to end on a prayer:
Let Us Fast
While fasting with the body,
brothers and sisters,
let us also fast in spirit.
Let us lose every bond of iniquity;
let us undo the knots of every contact made by violence;
let us tear up all unjust agreements;
let us give bread to the hungry
and welcome to our house
the poor who have no roof to cover them,
that we may receive mercy from Christ our God. - Byzantine Vespers