Archive for July, 2008

Needed Old Telephone books

Monday, July 21st, 2008

The printmaking course at CLU is working on a “green” class environment. We could use any and all OLD telephone directories for printmaking. If your old discard telephone book needs to find a perfect recycle home just drop it off on the door step of A-1. (Located in the Art Department building.)

Thank you,

Kristi Colell, CLU printmaker instructor

2008 Spring Printmakers working this summer

Thursday, July 10th, 2008

Seem to be having problems getting the photos attached to go with this note.

photo 1: Jason Nguyen, and Jillian Friend finalize solar prints from Welden workshop.

photo 2: Jason Nguyen, Bret Bays and Jillian Friend working on solar images in Colell’s Printmaking II class.

photo 3: “Ideas and Thoughts” a drawing created in Printmaking for a solar image by Jason Nguyen