Archive for May, 2011

Come visit the Kwan Fong Gallery great art to buy

Monday, May 9th, 2011

Come check out the wonderful artwork produced by this year’s senior art majors and minors. If you are an art collector or an art piece is calling to you contact the artist and you might be able to purchase a wonderful art investment. Begin your art collection or add to it today.

According to Chloe C. Warden, “art should never be about the medium, it should be about the meaning behind it – dedication and motivation that drives the viewer to appreciate the artwork. As a whole, art is like a therapist, every brush stroke or line drawing reveals the hidden talents that the artist shares with the viewer.” (see photo attached)

Senior Art Show a huge success

Friday, May 6th, 2011

Don’t miss the senior art show now hanging in the Kwan Fong Gallery. The opening reception was held April 30th to a full room. The talented group of artists
sold many art pieces. “Tribute to Maria” is a Gustave Klimt study in gold leaf by Tuan Nyugen. Study of the gold leaf style by the Progressive artist kept Nyugen developing a two month journey into the life and painting style of Gustave Klimt.
Lindsey Tucker,  December art graduate, produced a show of Clay monotype prints. This work is an exceptionally unique print  in that it is printed from a clay slab using Akua Inks. Note Tucker’s work in photo on the  right wall.

Senior Art work, left to right: Lindsey Tucker, Kristianne Lopez, Amy Shibel and Christy Sutphen.