Student Finals are here and you feel the stress building up. Don’t panic! The key to surviving is to be calm and rested, get organized, and get help if you feel you need it. There are many good resources on campus, in the Pearson Library and on the Web that can help you tackle finals week. Let’s take a look at some excellent resources. On campus counselors at the Center for Academic and Accessibility Resources (CAAR) can help you with study tips, handle stress and provide you with general academic guidance. Don’t forget to visit the Writing Center if you need help in polishing that term paper. If personal problems or health issues are impacting your ability to study–don’t delay–get an appointment with Student Counseling Services or Health Services.  Now, if you need some study tips, the library has plenty of resources to help you out. Search the ebrary database and use the key words “study skills” and you’ll find Test Taking Strategies & Study Skills for the Utterly Confused and other books on studying and test taking. On the Web, About .com has a number of practical articles including: A Student’s Guide to Surviving College Finals. Good luck and enjoy winter break!

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