Kwan Fong Gallery

Past Events


Opening Reception for CLUFest 2017

April 22, 2017

One of the most highly anticipated events of the year, CLUFest promises innovative designs, inspiring use of technology, interactive stations, and amazing graphics. Read More

Rebecca Campbell headshot

Painting Demonstration with Rebecca Campbell

March 7, 2017

Rebecca Campbell will demonstrate portrait painting technique in the Kwan Fong Gallery amidst her exhibit You are Here. Read More

Photo by Eric Nisly

DIVEDCO Film and Poster Lecture

December 21, 2016

Thousand Oaks' resident and Puerto Rican art enthusiast Rodney Torres leads a lecture on music and culture featured in the posters in the exhibit Art at the Service of the People: Puerto Rico's DIVEDCO Poster Art, including sections of select films that are featured in the exhibit. Read More

Photo by Eric Nisly

Opening Reception for Puerto Rico’s DIVEDCO Art

November 11, 2016

We invite you to join the collectors for the opening of "Art at the Service of the People: Puerto Rico’s DIVEDCO Poster Art" Read More

Photo by Eric Nisly

Lecture on Puerto Rican Art

November 11, 2016

Join us for a lecture on the films and art that shaped Puerto Rico in the 20th century. University of Notre Dame faculty and art collectors Drs. Thomas F. Anderson and Marisel Moreno will take viewers through the stories and characters that influenced generations of Puerto Ricans about social issues such as public health, democracy, literacy, racism, feminism, religious freedom and resurgence of Puerto Rican culture after decades of American rule over the island. Read More


Gallery Tour in French

October 14, 2016

Join us for a French tour of Lalla Essaydi's photographic work in The Harem: Essentialized Sensuality. Read More


Closing Reception for Uchinanchu

October 1, 2016

Closing reception for Uchinanchu, with artist Laura Kina on hand for discussion of her work. Read More

Headshot Laura Kina

Artist Talk with Laura Kina

September 29, 2016

Chicago-based artist Laura Kina will join us for a discussion about her new body of work Uchinanchu: The Art of Laura Kina. Read More