How To Create a High Performance Practice

In the last few centuries technology has changed the world. Not only has it changed the way we communicate with one another, but it is changing the workforce. The world is shrinking, not physically but metaphorically. Competition among countries is now more prevalent, for example, students now compete for places in top colleges not just with students from their country, but with students from China, Australia, Europe and more.

The development in technology has meant that some jobs that were around 20 years ago are no longer available. For example, if we think about shopping, a lot of consumers now do their shopping online reducing the number and the need for stores.

The rapid development of technology is changing the world we live in every day. Compare the iPhone 7 to the latest iPhone X, these phones have two years between their release dates but it seems like more. The quality of the camera has a huge difference along with the memory, and its ability. Without being consciously aware of it, the world is changing and developing all the time. Imagine the quality and the ability of what the iPhone will be like in five years time…

So how do humans develop a relationship with technology asks Michael Prior in his webinar How to Create a High Performance.

Firstly, we need to recognize how the workforce has changed and how technology now interacts with it. Originally work was agriculture-based, in the 19th century it developed to be industrial, then in the 20th century it became knowledge-based, and now in the 21st century, it is intellectual capital ideas and innovation. Now the executive role is to “add value to a company by bringing new ideas to the company and increasing productivity,” Prior said.

There will always be skills that machines and technology will not be able to accomplish. They will never have the ability to innovate, problem-solve, show emotional intelligence and empathy as humans can.

Being part of a generation who grew up with technology and social media, it comes naturally to work on a laptop or work with a new piece of software. In fact, many if not nearly everyone in my generation, rely on technology day-to-day. We do not know life without it.

It can be daunting to know technology is replacing jobs that were once human, but technology can also be used to our advantage. Social media helps build branding externally and we are lucky enough to access the latest information on other countries politics and news, using it to our advantage in global business.

Prior gives lots of tips on how to create a high-performance practice in his webinar. But the two that stuck with me were “develop deep relationships” and “trust and believe in purpose”. These can also be applied in personal life too.

As someone who is beginning my work career, and who is still in college, I have learned that the best way to grow is by listening and learning from someone who has experience. They once were in the same position as you and have since gained experiences and knowledge. Taking time to hear Prior’s tips will be helpful because they can be used inside the workplace and outside in real life.

“You’re the human driving the organization,” Prior said at the end of his webinar. It does not matter what technology develops into, humans are the ones driving it and are the ones at the end of the day running the organization.

To learn more work with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) practitioner or reach out to the Financial Planning program here at California Lutheran University.


0 (1)About the Speaker:

Michael Prior is an experienced global executive who specializes in strategic planning, restructuring, leading new business development and international expansion. Developed personalized dynamic sports racing car strategies that deliver long term value to clients. Prior also created and lead innovative projects, established global relationships and partnerships.

Prior has a Doctorate of Business Administration from Nova Southeastern University, as well as a Doctorate of Education from Pepperdine University. Prior also has Doctorate of Philosophy and International School of Management in Paris, France. He is presently an adjunct faculty member at California Lutheran University’s Financial Planning program.

0About the author:

Rosie Baker is an undergraduate student at California Lutheran University studying Communication with an emphasis in PR and Advertising. She is also minoring in Creative Writing.



To watch the archived webinar, click the link below:

How to Create a High Performace Practice – Michael Prior

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