What Matters the Most? with Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP(R), CeFT(R) Part 1


What Matters the Most? with Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP(R), CeFT(R) Part 2

Dr. Chien interviewed Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, CeFT®, on “What Matters the Most? Help Your Clients Write Legacy Letters for Family and Friends” on Nov. 09, 2021, at 02:00 PM PDT.

In the Estate Planning Section from the comprehensive financial planning, we often recommend clients to write a “final letter of last instruction.” A final letter of last instruction details the client’s wishes regarding the disposition of specific tangible property, as well as funeral and burial wishes.  But, this letter is a communication tool between the client and his or her estate’s executor, in the event of your death.  Will that be enough to help your clients go through the three stages of Widowhood? We are so glad to have Dr. Rehl return to continue the discussion of what matters the most?

Resources of the legacy letter.