Olivia Marcey
Major: Global Studies, Political Science
Why did you choose to double major?
I chose to double major after participating in the CLU Program to study abroad in Oxford, England. Prior to this, I was much more focused on American government and politics, but developed a more holistic view of governance and interdependency between countries and regions while I was abroad. This piqued my interest in international affairs, so I decided to add a Global Studies major to expose myself to the study of new (to me, at least), complex issues I was becoming more and more passionate about.
How does your double major express who you are?
I think that I strive to achieve a broader understanding of the world around me, and how I fit into that world. I perceive the opportunity to double-major as a way for me to realize this goal. In addition, the complementary nature of Global Studies and Political Science allows me to view current issues and events through two distinct lenses, while still creating a cohesive and critical understanding of their significance.
What’s your career goal?
To specialize in international economic development, and build a career as an analyst or consultant for a bilateral or multilateral organization (i.e. United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Department for International Development (DID), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), World Bank), or to work in the Foreign Service.
How will your double major impact your career goal?
For my specific goals, it is important to have an understanding of world politics, economics, sociology etc. and to be able to use skills and knowledge developed through the study of these disciplines to manage a variety of potential professional responsibilities in the field. Political Science is an important part of this, but for me it was imperative to incorporate different areas of study into my academic “arsenal.” In particular, I think that the non-western focus and foreign language requirements of CLU’s Global Studies major will help me immensely in my future career in the international arena.
How do you manage the extra study load?
With an interdisciplinary major like Global Studies, it is relatively easy to find classes that will satisfy both a major and Core 21 requirement. For example, I am taking Current Issues in Marine Biology this semester with Dr. Huvard, and this counts as a science and major requirement. Other than that benefit, I was able to fulfill a large number of upper division Political Science requirements abroad.
Anything else you’d like to say about double majoring to prospective Cal Lutheran students?
If it seems like a feasible option for you in your academic pursuits, I don’t think there are really any drawbacks. It will only serve you well in the long run.
What are you most passionate about in school? In life?
I have found through my experience on the Oxford Program that participation in tutorial-like classes (one-on-one to three-on-one), or other personalized learning experiences are by far the most effective method of promoting critical thinking among students. Especially in courses within the social sciences (I’ve found), discussion-based learning allows for a deeper understanding of issues and collective problem solving. Some of my passions in life reflect my academic interests. I love to read and write, as well as discuss theory, current events and even somewhat far-fetched solutions to the problems facing future generations.