Tristen Burt
Major: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Minor: Music
Research Mentor: Dr. Chad Barber
What was the focus of your research?
My research was focused on identifying mutations in common canine cancers and examining how they relate to human cancers.
An additional focus of mine is on screening these canine cancers to an array of anti-tumor drugs to determine their response and suitability for use in other mammalian models.
How was your research experience?
The fellowship granted me the opportunity to see where I’m going and what I want to be doing in 10 years. The experience really solidified a passion in me for biological and biomedical research. Hopefully one day I will get the opportunity to work just as hard with patients in this same manner.
What’s next?
A graduate program in medicine. My goal is to become a physician, and this program gave me a glimpse into what a medical career could be like.